Welcome to the Mid-Atlantic Airshow Review! My name is Chaz Teets, and I am from West Virginia. I've been an aviation aficionado since I was a little kid. I used to sit outside my home after school with binoculars and watch the traffic flying in and out of the DC area airports, wishing I was up there flying with them.
My dream was to become a fighter pilot. Unfortunately, an instant medical disqualification for military service put the kibosh on that.
I started the Mid-Atlantic Airshow Review in May 2023 because I wanted to bring awareness to aviation in the region, as I personally feel that airshows and the like are poorly advertised and fly under the radar (pun intended). I also wanted to share my love of aviation photography with the world, and in July of 2024, became a published aviation photographer thanks to Airspeed Magazine, the quarterly publication of the International Society of Aviation Photography. The Mid-Atlantic Airshow Review became a registered media business based in West Virginia that same month.
It's my goal to provide awe-inspiring coverage of airshows and aviation events throughout the region. Soon, we'll have a podcast to pair with my website and social media outlets. I look forward to doing this for a long time, and I invite you to contact me in regard to airshows and aviation events in the region.
I am a member & supporter of the following organizations:
USAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol - Winchester, VA Composite Squadron
Commemorative Air Force & Capital Wing Unit
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
EAA Warbirds of America
EAA International Aerobatic Club
International Society of Aviation Photography
Mid-Atlantic Air Museum
ICAS - International Council of Airshows